BE’ JAM BE the never ending song

In Sarawak (Borneo), “the ones who live upstream” are the first affected by deforestation. The Penan, (ex) nomadic hunters, are caught in the eye of that storm : how to go on living when one’s entire world is being taken apart, when the landscape, which brought meaning to existence, literally disappears and with it language, customs and the spirits ? The film, carried by the song of those who refuse to give in, draws the lines of resistance of each one to that deadly fight. It tells of the intimate interweaving of a sweet and secret way of life with the fight which rages in the shadow of the big trees.


10/8  14:30



Year of Release



86 minutes


HD, Color


Caroline Parietti Thumbnail

Caroline Parietti

The co-directors, and Caroline Parietti (Switzerland, 1985) and Cyprien Ponson (France, 1987), met during a master’s degree in documentary writing (CREADOC/France), after personal journeys in anthropology and community social work. Their work explores issues of memory, violence and resistance in the margins..

Blue water, 58’, 2013
Les échos, 27, 2013
Liberté-égalité-fraternité, 13’, 2012

Cyprien Ponson Thumbnail

Cyprien Ponson

The co-directors, and Caroline Parietti (Switzerland, 1985) and Cyprien Ponson (France, 1987), met during a master’s degree in documentary writing (CREADOC/France), after personal journeys in anthropology and community social work. Their work explores issues of memory, violence and resistance in the margins..

Les bedos au coeur vert, 35’, 2013
41 ans et des poussières, 38’, 2013